Meet Go Girl’s Technologist:
Master of Business Administration, Major in Management Information Systems, Bachelor of Computer Applications & Bachelor of Psychological Science
Current role
Head of Quality Assurance
As Head of Quality Assurance for Accuteque, Tanu manages the division responsible for testing and delivering services for their clients. This includes being accountable for sales and revenue for the group, ensuring testing is at a high standard of excellence, and continuously growing the skills of team members
Watch Video 1
“Don’t suppress any parts of your personality or capabilities, just because you think that is what will be seen as acceptable. You’ll be surprised by what parts of yourself others want to see!”
Go Girl chatted to our very own technology whiz, Tanu about her journey from school to now, what she learnt along the way, and who she’s become. Tanu is passionate about technology, and it was great for her to think about when she was in school, and what advice she’d give to her younger self. Tanu has made it her life’s work to inspire others into a career in technology, and hopes to inspire other Go Girls!
Watch Video 2
“A lot of people, particularly those who are entering the market, don’t consider testing as a glamorous career, but I think they haven’t engaged with the profession well enough. I’ve made it my life’s work to put the message out there, that testing is really fun!”
Go Girl Interview with Tanu
Tell us about yourself? What do you enjoy?
I enjoy reading, classical dancing, travelling to new places & trying new foods, listening to podcasts and public speaking
what subjects did you like in high school?
Physics & Maths were my favourite subjects. However I definitely found subjects like Financial Management and Accounting were not for me
When did you realise WHAT you wanted to do in your career?
I realised very quickly testing was more fun for me. I could speak with people, I could explore things that weren’t just within the boundaries of the task to build, etc. And then when I discovered automated testing, it had the best of both worlds; I could engage with people and public speaking, as well as doing coding. And I’ve stayed there for the last 20+ years
Who inspires you?
I am inspired by people who build a lot of knowledge in their space and then share it with the world in a way that’s easy to understand. People like Stephen Hawking, Carl Sagan, Brian Cox (Can you tell I wanted to be an astronaut when I was 8?). In the space of testing, two thought leaders named James Bark and Michael Bolton [not the singer] inspire me. They have very non-traditional views of testing which resonate with me. They try to go into the core of what value testing brings to the business, and not just what the process & procedures are meant to be. They are so engaged in LinkedIn and you can see their passion about sharing this with the world!
What advice would you give to your younger self?
Explore all aspects of your interests, not just limit yourself to one area you think will be of interest to the market. Similarly, Don’t suppress any parts of your personality or capabilities, just because you think that is what will be seen as acceptable. You’ll be surprised by what parts of yourself others want to see! Example is - I had always felt I was a technical person in the past, and then a manager once told me you think you will enjoy this more, but I know you I know you find some of the people skills boring, but you have a real strength with working with people, so I took that advice, and I realised she knew me better than I knew myself