Meet Go Girl’s Engineer:
Master of Cyber Security & Bachelor of Computer Engineering
Current role
Security (ISO) Compliance Engineer
As a Security (ISO) Compliance Engineer, Nivi is responsible for managing the policies, procedures, and controls of a company’s security department. This includes ensuring the company is up with general security standards, by conducting various tests
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“Don’t worry about where you’re going to be in life. Your career can change. You won’t always stick to the same path. I used to feel the constant pressure to always think about my career, but I didn’t realise it would change so often, and that everything would be ok.”
Go Girl chatted to our very own engineering guru, Nivi about her journey from school to now, what she learnt along the way, and who she’s become. Nivi is passionate about engineering, and it was great for her to think about when she was in school, and what advice she’d give to her younger self. Nivi hopes to inspire others Go Girls into a career in engineering, particularly security!
Watch Video 2
“Especially when starting Uni, network with as many like-minded people. And keep your LinkedIn profile updated; your qualifications, request recommendations, etc. It’s a big help to opening doors and opportunities in your career!”
Go Girl Interview with Nivi
Tell us about yourself? What do you enjoy?
I don’t really have any hobbies or activities, except for reading. When I was younger, I was so focused on being the top of the class and getting the best marks, I didn’t get into any sports, or hobbies. But I wish I did
what subjects did you like in high school?
My best subjects were Biology, Chemistry & Geography. Up until year 10, I didn’t like Mathematics. It is something that needs to be approached in a practical way; there is a logic behind it. Once I approached it like that, I started liking Maths
When did you realise you wanted to do in your career?
I realised there is more in Computer Science that I can get into, such as Cyber Security. I was doing assignments and attending lectures with guest speakers who worked in that area. I did a lot of research and found out there’s a lot of areas within Cyber security I could go into also, such as Pen Testing, Governance, Risk, etc. And I realised I could do a Master degree in Cyber Security, so I pursued that pathway
Who inspires you?
My mother inspires me every day. She is the main reason I did my post-graduation, as she always ensured we had access to education and she regretted not doing hers; she had a difficult journey. Education is the one thing that will always be helpful for you in life, it should be accessible to everyone, and whilst it isn’t always easy, it will never go away, so is something for you to fall back on
What advice would you give to your younger self?
Don’t worry about where you are going to be in life. Your career can change. You won’t always stick to the same path. I used to feel the constant pressure to always think about my career, but I didn’t realise it would change so often, and everything would be ok. As I mentioned before, I wish I had an outlet [such as a hobby or sport] as it would have let me enjoy myself and helped put my mind at ease ,when I was feeling stressed or feeling pressure. Your mental health is just as important to look after, and stress is something I struggle with sometimes even now, I can’t concentrate on more than one thing at a time