Meet Go Girl’s Scientist:
Bachelor of Criminology and Criminal Justice & Bachelor of Forensic Science, Major in Chemistry
Current role
Police Emergency Dispatcher [a pathway into Forensic Science]
As a Police Emergency Dispatcher, Laura gathers a lot of high quality, vitally important information that can help first responders (including forensic criminologists) form an early understanding of what they’ll face upon arrival at an emergency scene
Watch Video 1
“Go with it and enjoy, trust your gut instincts and know you are making the right decisions for you. There are so many options and directions your career can take, and that’s ok!”
Go Girl chatted to our very own curious scientist, Laura about her journey from school to now, what she learnt along the way, and who she’s become. Laura is passionate about science, and it was great for her to think about when she was in school, and what advice she’d give to her younger self. Laura has made it her life’s work to inspire others into a career in science, and hopes to inspire other Go Girls!
Watch Video 2
“Logic, puzzles and numbers always made sense to me, which is why I gravitated to mathematics.”
Go Girl Interview with Laura
Tell us about yourself? What do you enjoy?
I enjoy gardening, fitness, reading mystery/crime fiction as well as general non-fiction
what subjects did you like in high school?
Chemistry, Drama Studies, Maths, Biology, Legal Studies were all the subjects I enjoyed. I gravitated to Maths and Science because logic, puzzles and numbers always made sense to me. However when it came to History & English Studies, they definitely weren’t for me
When did you realise you wanted to do in your career?
When it came to choosing my major in university, I realised I could do chemistry within criminology, I enjoyed doing chemistry and that’s what I’d like to do
Who inspires you?
A professional choreographer named Parris Goebel. She is a girl from a small town in New Zealand, who followed her dreams and never gave up. Parris now choreographs for superstars like Rhianna and Justin Bieber
What advice would you give to your younger self?
I was always unsure of what I wanted to do and what would happen in the future. I particularly felt the pressure in year 10 [to pick my career path]. I ended up picking a wide range of subjects, which did help lead me down this pathway, but there’s never any guarantee it would work out. I say to go with it and enjoy, trust your gut instincts and know you are making the right decisions for you. There are so many options and directions your career can take, and that’s ok!