Meet Go Girl’s Engineer:



Bachelor of Computer and Information Science, Major in Software Development 

Current role

Software Engineer


As a Software Engineer, Fatma is responsible for using programming languages, platforms, and architectures to design and develop effective software solutions to meet requirements. These requirements include improvements to the core operating systems

Listen Audio 1

Software Development really makes you think and use your imagination and creativity. You have to come up with different solutions, for different scenarios, and think precisely. It helps you be more organised too as it’s logical work. It touches so many aspects of the business side, you can gain insight in so many areas.
— Fatma, Go Girl's Engineer

Go Girl chatted to our very own engineering guru, Fatma about her journey from school to now, what she learnt along the way, and who she’s become. Fatma is passionate about engineering, and it was great for her to think about when she was in school, and what advice she’d give to her younger self. Fatma hopes to inspire others Go Girls into a career in engineering, particularly software development!

Listen Audio 2

Early in my career, I had two female managers who helped me with a lot of personal and professional non-technical skills, such as stakeholder management and team engagement; skills that are important but not everyone gets a chance to grow in these areas.
— Fatma, Go Girl's Engineer

Go Girl Interview with Fatma

Tell us about yourself? What do you enjoy?

I like to spend time with my friends and family. I also enjoy reading, I read all kinds of genres, but I especially like reading non-fiction books around social justice, or topics around day-to-day living. I also enjoy reading romance fiction novels 

what subjects did you like in high school?

My best subjects were Chemistry, Mathematics and Computer Programming. However I learned early on that Biology and Physics weren’t my strong subjects

When did you realise you wanted to do in your career?

After High School, I worked as a Software Developer whilst studying in University and just loved it. Software Development really makes you think and use your imagination and creativity. You have to come up with different solutions for different scenarios, and think precisely. It helps you be more organised too as it’s logical work. What I also love is it touches so many aspects of the business side, you can gain insight and knowledge in so many areas 

Who inspires you?

In the beginning of my career, there were two particular female managers I had who helped me grow a lot. They were really hard working, supportive and motivational. They were the only two women in a field that was dominated by men. They helped me with lots of life and professional non-technical skills such as stakeholder management and team engagement; skills that are important but not everyone gets a chance to grow in these areas. It was so valuable to me, particularly in the beginning of my career

What advice would you give to your younger self?

I wish I focused more on hobbies and co-curricular activities when I was younger. It would have helped me know how to have more work/life balance as an adult


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